Monday, 30 May 2011

Selamat Pagi Burung yg Berkicauan :)

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend."

Two separate lives brought together
Our love and friendship shared forever.
The laughs, the love, even some tears
Were planned to be spent all our years.

Then one day things fell apart,

And time and hurt pulled at our heart.
"Together always," were words only said;
And reality was, it was all in our head.

But through it all, we truly shine;

It will be you and me till the end of time.
"I love you always," will now be said
and a great friendship waits ahead.



 life is like a book we all read itluv is a blessing we all need it always be happy always hav a smile bcoz
remember in this world we all r here 4 a while

"smile is good cosmetics for beauty" 
People say friends are made in heaven & they come in your life,
But I made my friend in this world & made my life a Heaven...

I have a pen which is blue, I have a friend which is you. Flowers will die, waters will dry, But our Friendship will never say Goodbye.




~Gonna missing you ~

I miss you when you are so far away,
I dream about you night and day,
And just because we can't be together,
Doesn't mean I don't miss you,
Now and forever!!!

Sitting next to you, doing absolutely nothing,
Means absolutely [EVERYTHING] to me...

Sugar and honey, taste so funny, kinda like you, a sweet cupid-bunny, pierce my heart, make the night look sunny, sharper than a dart, its love not money <3

You may not see me but I see you. All I want for you to know is how much I love you. I can't give you a number, for my love is much greater than that and that is why I will always love you.
Boy: how many planets do we have in the solar system?
Girl: I think its nine. ^_^
BOy: your wrong.
Girl: why?
Boy:you did not include my world. and that is you.. N i LOVE U..

Sometimes, we waste too much time thinking about someone who doesn't even think about us for a second. :(
But cheer up guys! Everyone has the RIGHT person to come at the right TIME. =))
Missing You Today, Missing you the Whole time.
I miss the good times we had, the sorrow and the fun.
Now, your far away, I wish I could see you one last time.
So that my heart will falling like autumn leaves.
I miss you from the bottom of my heart.
that,s all i want to share today, from deep in my heart.. 
bybye dude babe..daaaaaadaaaa 

Sunday, 29 May 2011

My new Account..

hye hye sume...juz nk introduce kat u all sume this is my new blogger,.. where is my past blogger??my old acc blogger x leh nk log in..i dont know why..ok that,s let follow my blogger..daaaaaaadaaaaaaaaaaa